

A pied-à-terre can be challenging. As a part-time home, it can feel impersonal, dreary and anything but homey. But for our young-at-heart client who wanted a space to host her children and grandchildren when they came to town, we wanted o create a space that was fresh, colorful, and jubilant.

At first, our client’s wish list was simple: a coat of paint throughout and a principal bedroom update. But the project soon evolved into a major overhaul that touched every room, including a makeover of the kitchen and principal bathroom. The only thing that remained untouched by the end was the dark hardwood flooring!

Now, this 1,100 square foot condo sings with sunny, joyful praises with its threads of robin egg blue, its delicate trim detailing throughout, and its playful textiles.

Do you need help renovating your condo? Then let’s chat!